2. PARSAVER GOLF - PLAYERS MULTI-RING VISUAL PUTTING AID - Golf Hole Reducer - Pressure Putt Trainer - Portable Indoor and Outdoor NEW!!!
Hello and thank you for visiting our 3-Ring Pressure Putt Trainer listing. As you will see, the 3-Ring Trainer will challenge all facets of your putting game. Aim, Speed and Visualization. In our opinion, one key element all other putting aids don’t cover is visualization. A player’s visualization directly affects one’s confidence. The standard USGA hole is 4 1/4" in diameter. Let me ask you a question? If you were to continuously practice to a golf hole that was 25% smaller, would you make more 3ft putts on the golf course? What would it look like if you performed all your putting drills to a hole that was 25%-35% smaller on the practice green? What do you think a standard golf hole out on the course would look like? A BUCKET!
Just spend 15 min a day in your practice sessions as well as your pre-round routine. You won’t be disappointed. Cheers